If you are one of the many Licensees who require a little assistance to engage more clients, then you may wish to encourage your clients to watch one of our client-facing videos. Sending clients these links in order to highlight deficiencies in standard planning, will also help bring you leads. During these Solidus YouTube videos, we identify the issues that a lack of planning creates in a way to ensure that your clients understand the issues facing them.

To increase engagement we recommend that you call clients before sending them video links and suggest that you also take time to watch them so that you know what has been said and can follow up appropriately.

Below is a list of links to our client-facing videos:

Out of date Wills
In this recording we explain what is required to ensure that your client’s Will complies with the most recent legislation that came fully into force in April 2020. If their Will does not comply, it will make it more difficult for their family and they will probably pay more tax.

DIS and Pensions Planning
During this video David Batchelor will identify the issues created by a lack of planning for DIS and Pensions. He will also explain how an Asset Preservation Trust can assist them.

Essential Planning for your married and single clients
These videos are for those clients who have inadequate or no planning. Watching these will provide your clients with a clear understanding of the benefits of more advanced estate planning. The implications for married clients and single clients are slightly different so please send them the relevant link:

Married Clients
Single Clients

Protect what you have for the ones you love
This topical video covers the key actions your existing client base should be putting in place during these unprecedented times. Watching the video will give your clients a good understanding of the issues facing them and will enable you to have worthwhile conversations with them.

The right people at the right time
During this client facing recording we explain the use of simple and sensible arrangements to ensure that the mortgage is paid and life can continue after a client deceases.

Are your children going to pay your tax bill?
In this video, we explain how taxation is charged when passing an inheritance to future generations. More importantly, he also explains the actions your clients should take to protect their family so that they do not pay an unfair amount of tax.

Gifting out of Excess Income
Gifting out of excess income is a valuable Inheritance Tax exemption, which is all too frequently ignored by financial planners and clients alike. There is no limit on excess income lifetime gifting, and it is immediately outside the estate of the donor for IHT purposes, providing HMRC conditions are met. The excess income transfer can be made to a Protective Gifting Trust (PGT) and invested or to any Beneficiary directly. In this video, we explain to your clients how assets can be transferred, during lifetime, to chosen Beneficiaries in a protective way.

Is your Will up to date?
This webinar takes into account current legislation and highlights the main parts of a Will that are likely to be out of date. We’ll explain how your clients should think about their estate and family so that their planning isn’t just up to date, but is a true reflection of how they want their assets passed to their family.

What to do with your pack of draft documents?
Solidus have published a short video that you can direct your clients to when they receive their draft documents from us, to give them an overview of what is included in the pack and what they need to do with it.